Hi everyone! I'm Emma the owner and creator of Nirvana Moon Crystals. 
My love for crystals and their amazing healing properties became part of my life.
Along side meditation and holistic healing.
Since being a child I was always collecting crystals, rocks and drawn to anything shiny and unique.
it all began designing and creating my own crystal bracelets, which then became this beautiful growing business.

 I do the packing (with help from my husband) buying, website updates social media, customer correspondence, and live sales.

We are proud to announce we now have a physical shop based in our home town of Failsworth, Manchester.
Located within Helliwell Wellbeing 724 Oldham Road.

The aim of Nirvana Moon Crystals is to connect people with their dream crystals at the best possible prices, while treating the earth fairly. 
Prioritizing our mental, physical and spiritual health.

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